You heard from the witnesses in the first hour, who spoke extensively to that issue. There are models in Europe, as well as in Australia and New Zealand, that you could look to.
I would probably advise that you carry out an evaluation of the effectiveness of those models, because there is no one-size-fits-all way of doing this. There are a lot of different approaches available. In terms of best practices, you can certainly look at some of those jurisdictions.
In my previous role at the Ontario level, I took part in a performance audit of Ontario's climate change plan. The 2019 report from that included, in an appendix, an extensive analysis of best practices in the climate change area in particular.
Do recall that the intent of the role of commissioner of the environment and sustainable development isn't to silo environmental and sustainable development issues in a manner that isolates them from economic and social issues. If you look at the 17 UN sustainable development goals, you can see how cross-cutting and horizontal those issues are, so there is an advantage to looking at these things in a more integrated manner. There are also advantages to the more specialist approach.
I'd be happy to carry out whatever role is assigned by the statute, but I do advise that you look carefully at the effectiveness of all of those models before landing on any changes to the current one used in Canada.