When I talk about the billions of dollars this government intends to spend on the Trans Mountain expansion project and the billions of dollars being handed out to Imperial Oil and to other companies that took advantage of fossil fuel subsidies, those are not included in the examples you just gave.
However, I want to switch over to nature and nature-based solutions. One of the things we've been hearing from Nature Canada is that, through their green budget coalition, we actually require an additional $4.8 billion over five years to fulfill Canada's commitment on protected areas.
Part of the government's conservation commitments are 25% by 2025, 30% by 2030. The government has talked a lot about nature-based solutions to the climate crisis. We're facing this biodiversity crisis, and these things are very closely linked. You've known that we're not close to meeting our climate targets or our commitments to conservation. Are we seeing actual adequate funding for these kinds of programs to help us conserve nature?