Yes. Thank you.
That's precisely right. The big problem everyone has identified is what is happening in developing countries under the name of recycling. The recycling that takes place is incomplete and highly polluting. It's very easy for people to say, “I'm sending it to the poor countries because they're going to recycle it for us.” The fact is that it's a very dirty, polluting and toxic situation. Like any industry, recycling can be good or bad.
I'm suggesting that we in Canada need to do what the EU has done. The EU has adopted the Basel ban amendment, which is a separate amendment about not exporting hazardous waste to developing countries, full stop, meaning to non-OECD countries; but the EU said they were also going to add annex II to that list and that ban. Annex II includes household waste and these new plastic wastes that are dirty and mixed. We think we can leave the Davidson bill as it is with respect to not exporting anything for final disposal, but let's add the ban on exports for recycling to developing countries. I think with that amendment, we have ourselves covered.