Okay. Let's take it one step further.
I was reading a quote from the 10,000 Changes website, which is funded by your department. It says, “Canada exported 101,131 tonnes of plastic waste [just] in 2018”. Your numbers are little bit larger, Ms. Perron, only because obviously the scope is 2020. It says, “much of it [is] to American recycling brokers, who then resell it to overseas companies. Once Canadian waste enters the U.S., it is not tracked, so where it ends up is a mystery.”
Even though they are not part of the Basel Convention, there is this signed agreement, but there still seems to be that mystery in terms of where the waste ends up. I'm hoping that maybe Ms. Perron or Ms. Ryan could give us a sense of how we would go about tracking that. How could we get the accurate number of how much of that waste is Canada's in particular?
It sounds like it ends up in the Asian markets as well.