The point I'm trying to make is that we're going to have a meeting to finish this off on Wednesday. If we finish it in 15 minutes, then I assume Madam Pauzé, Ms. Collins and Mr. Longfield won't mind staying for one and three-quarter hours for a steering committee meeting. We'll have to log off and log back in. If this goes on for another two hours, that will take up the whole meeting on Wednesday.
That's what we'll do. We'll continue this on Wednesday at 3:30, and we'll see what happens. By then we'll have Ms. Saks's proposed amendment in writing, and Mr. Albas's proposed subamendment to Ms. Saks's amendment in writing as well. Then we'll really know what we're dealing with.
I wish everyone a very pleasant rest of the evening. Here in the east it's seven o'clock. Our evening, what remains of it, is shorter than what they have out in B.C. Regardless, I hope everyone has a good evening.
I bring this meeting to a close.