I'd like to answer a few of the questions you posed to me.
Actually, Dow does not make polypropylene. We're the world's largest manufacturer of polyethylene, so most of our products do not go into single-use plastic. We do sell a lot into the food-wrap business, but we do not sell into the single-use plastic bags, straws, stir sticks or six-pack ring holders. Most of our products go into durable goods. We sell a lot into the automotive and electronic industries. The bans that the federal government is looking at imposing would impact Dow to a very small extent.
We are very proud of our financial performance. You don't get to be a company that survives for over a century by doing the wrong thing. We are one of the top diversity-inclusion companies. We are an innovator. We solve the world's problems.
You highlighted a very important point. You talked about the impact of plastic waste on the environment. Plastic waste is detrimental and needs to be addressed. We wholeheartedly agree. Plastic waste is critical. It is detrimental to the environment. That's why we are confused as to why the federal government wants to tackle plastic products when, really, it should be tackling plastic waste. The reality is that the world doesn't have a plastic problem, but it definitely has a plastic-waste problem. That's where we would like to see the federal government do most of its investment in products and solutions going forward.
The reality is that, from an investment standpoint, Dow Canada is a profitable company. I'm a Canadian, born and raised. I'm always advocating for investment by my company in the country that I love. One of the mechanisms by which we do that is by making sure that the jurisdiction we operate and want to invest in basically has the correct legislation in place to deal with the products that we're looking at manufacturing. We are innovators.