Okay. Quickly, plastics don't like to be mixed. There are about seven types.
Types one and two are very popular. We can separate them and we can sell them, but for types three, four, five and six—soft plastics—all of that is mumble-jumble. It's stuck together. It has no value because we cannot sort it out. It's too labour-consuming. When I go to the store I can't even look at food anymore, because all I see is number four, number three, and “why are you doing number five?” It's all going to get mixed up.
Canada is not heading towards better recycling. We're heading in a different direction. There are more and more plastics on the shelves that are combined and that cannot be recycled. They're multi-layered multi-plastics, all put together, that cannot be recycled. If on the shelves we have plastics that are recyclable, then I can sell the stuff, but now, I can sell only types one and two, and for all the rest, even for the people who really want to do something, it's really hard for types three, four, five, six and seven.