I believe you should work with industry and co-operate with them, but I also believe in a stick-and-carrot policy. Those are the two fundamental things that we learn in Business 101. If there is no incentive like eco-fees....
As Maja mentioned, it could be an incentive. It doesn't have to be a stick, but there should be an implication and incentive to make sure that brand owners are moving towards recyclable products and designing their products to be in line with current recycling infrastructure. They should have an incentive to do so. With the lack of an incentive, they won't address it. We all have multiple problems running a business, and what are we going to look after? We're going to look after the ones that are immediate, the ones we need to deal with.
I believe we need a carrot-and-stick approach. Eco-fees are definitely one that is usable. Europe has used it. California has used it, where they give incentive for people who use post-consumer content or use their fees in collecting their package.
Voluntary things can work only for so long. If you want something that's going to work, it has to be regulated in some way, shape or form.