Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just want to pick up on that subject. I worked for many years in industry, building things—farm machinery and then, later, housing. One of the reasons I got into government is that it's pretty much accepted that government does things rather inefficiently and slowly. It serves a purpose, no doubt, but compared to business.... Business can be very expert at getting things done, like we were just speaking about.
Dr. Henry, I just want to get your opinion on this. You mentioned an economic lens, and that's what Dr. Burch was just speaking about. Dr. Burch also said that we need skills-building in our smaller enterprises and a broad diversity of visions. On the other hand, Mr. Bolduc said that we shouldn't have any corporate interests on the advisory board, for example.
In order to get the capital released and in order to actually get things done when we come up with a plan that all of us are so expert at coming up with—the actual execution of that plan and implementing that plan—I believe we need people who are from the business world and actually know how to get things done and can get them done. What is your perspective on that in this legislation? Are we missing that, somehow, in this legislation?