Welcome to the second half of our meeting today.
We have with us, as individuals, Dr. Madhur Anand, professor at the School of Environmental Sciences and director of the Guelph Institute for Environmental Research at the University of Guelph; and Dr. Sarah Burch, associate professor in the department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo, and executive director of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change. From the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, we have Dr. Aaron Henry, senior director of natural resources and sustainable growth.
From the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, we're joined by Denis Bolduc, general secretary; and Patrick Rondeau, union advisor, Environment and Just Transition. From the Trottier Energy Institute, we're joined by Normand Mousseau, scientific director and professor, Department of Physics, Université de Montréal. Obviously, Mr. Heaps is here with us. I'll start with Mr. Heaps, because he has been waiting for some time to give his opening remarks.
Mr. Heaps, you have the floor for five minutes.