Mr. Chair, it will come as no surprise that we want to make sure there is a whole-of-government approach. Again, we've heard a few things that Mr. Moffet has said with regard to how the minister must consult. That doesn't necessarily mean the minister has authority or accountability when it comes to other departments. That's where we think the bill gets it wrong—by putting the focus on just one minister in terms of it—and we would all be better off if clause 9 included, “The Governor in Council must, on the advice of the Minister, establish a greenhouse gas”.
Again, this changes the model, and I would hope that members might be coming around, because sometimes you have to keep punching through, Mr. Chair. As you know from your time in politics, sometimes you have to keep saying it over and over before people tune in and suddenly say, “Yes, I'm for this.” Therefore, I'm really hopeful that I will see maybe Mr. Bachrach or someone else—maybe Mr. Baker, who keeps teasing his support—respond and vote in favour of this amendment. Quite honestly, the more collaborative we are and the more focused cabinet is on it, the more I think we'll end up with a better result.