Before you move along here, I had a question for you with regard to your ruling.
My understanding is that net zero itself is a state we end up in—it's defined in the bill—by 2050, and it's anthropogenic, etc., but there is nothing Nessa cites as to which concepts or which methods are best. In fact, we've had a discussion about targets in the bill, but we've heard testimony about other things.
I disagree with the use of carbon budgets in this, but I do think it is important that people be heard, Mr. Chair. Ms. May has in good faith put together an amendment and worked with the law clerk to present something, and I think for yourself....
Please don't take this personally, Mr. Chair. I have great respect for the office you hold and for your commitment to this country, but by the same token I think Ms. May's amendment doesn't change the goal. It changes the method the government would use to achieve that goal. Again, this is more on the accountability side than the implementation of the plan side.
With greatest respect, Mr. Chair, I have to challenge your ruling on this. I do think Ms. May deserves a chance to present this as a formal amendment and not to be ruled out of order.