Thanks very much.
Those are really intriguing ideas. The great part of this study that's being undertaken is that we get to float some of these really creative thoughts forward.
A means-tested approach to vehicle incentives is very intriguing. This is not something on which Unifor has established a particular position, but it makes good sense. These cars are more expensive and that's why incentives are needed, among other things, to bring people to market on those cars. That's important.
On the scrap-it program, there's quite a bit of merit to that. One thing I'm sure this committee knows is that just by virtue of vehicle advances and a lot of stuff happening with internal combustion engine cars, they are becoming more fuel efficient over time. In terms of having a way to not only spur the industry through a really challenging time but also using that to address some of these emissions challenges, other nations have done this. It's something that was certainly discussed in the last economic crisis and hasn't been talked about too much here, but I think there's merit. It's a really intriguing idea about the used car incentive as well.
Across the board, there are good ideas and many more to come for sure.