Most of it, yes, depending on the type of.... If you have a single-family house and there's enough power—there's already a bigger panel—in the house, you can get away with what we call in the industry a “dumb charger”. Those chargers can vary between $600 to $1,000, and the smart chargers, as Ms. Goldberg mentioned, would be around $1,000 to $1,200 for the charging station alone.
Should there not be enough power in the home, then you might need a bit of an electrical upgrade. There are low management devices that exist for about $1,000 extra to avoid an expensive new service in the home, but that's for a single-family home.
If we're getting into condos and multi-family dwellings, that is a very different ball game. If you need a new service altogether.... Typically if you start with the visitor stalls, you can get away with about $8,000 for two stalls for dual-port stations, plus whatever installation fees, depending on where the electrical room is located in the building.
We've talked a lot about garage orphans. Right now, 80% of charging is done at home. That is true currently because the first takers of ZEVs were wealthier. We're seeing a lot of people, such as in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, parking on the street or having older buildings. It's not really economically sound to do a retrofit on those older buildings, which is why it's also important to provide public charging stations, whether they are fast chargers or level twos.