Thank you, MP Collins, for your question.
I think there were a few questions in there. The first one was relating to the six agreements in British Columbia. Those are reconciliation agreements with the Tsilhqot'in first nation, the Tsleil-Waututh first nation, the Musqueam first nation and a few others. They've been led by DFO, but Environment Canada has a role to play in those agreements, so the money is for that.
With respect to the two other issues you raise, I'm going to turn to Carol Najm to respond to some of the specifics, but Environment Canada actually has been fully distributing the monies that are allocated to it. Of the total voted authorities of $1.89 billion, 99.3% has been allocated or is available.
With respect to your last question, in terms of the climate plan, let's be clear. This government brought in the first real climate plan this country has ever had, with 50 different initiatives that identified 225-some-odd megatonnes in reductions. It didn't get us all the way to the Paris target, but it got us a heck of a long way.
Also, as I have mentioned a few times, I will bringing forward a new plan that will show not only how we will meet our targets but how we will exceed them. We will ensure that we are implementing the measures to do that.
Maybe I can turn to Carol to answer your other question.