The government recently put out a discussion document that lays out a risk management framework for dealing with plastics and proposed an order to add plastic manufactured items to schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. In the discussion document, we lay out a comprehensive approach in terms of the elements that need to be tackled with respect to the zero plastic waste agenda, including identifying a framework for making decisions about articles that could be banned or have their use restricted, so the considerations around what items should be potentially banned or restricted are laid out in the context of a number of criteria that need to be met.
The consideration around which things should be taken out of the environment through a ban or an exemption is based on whether they're difficult to recycle or hinder our recycling ability, whether there are known alternatives, whether they're found to be prevalent in the environment and problematic in terms of their management and so on.
Those considerations were factored in, and we're currently in consultation with the public and seeking their input and views with respect to the proposal, as well as seeking comments on the proposal of—