It's ranked last in the G20 based on, basically, 2018-20 finance. That is consistent across previous reports as well. EDC for a long time has given really outsized amounts to the oil and gas sector.
It's by far the largest financier of oil and gas that signed this agreement at COP26. We have seen the U.K, as well as the U.S., already put in policies to amend how they give their export finance to rule out almost all oil and gas. Basically, in looking at comments from EDC as well as from ministers and MPs as Canada looks to implement this agreement, I think there are definitely concerns. We've seen EDC itself state it's difficult to separate out what of its finance is international versus domestic.
In terms of the climate or economic impact, there's no trend along geographic lines. Our clear recommendation here, which is aligned with climate science, is that implementing this commitment means phasing out all federal public finance fully and without loopholes for CCS, gas or blue hydrogen. Both the U.S. and the U.K. policies, as well as other public finance policies like that of the European Investment Bank, are really good templates that Canada is now well behind.