Since he has the information, I will ask him in the second hour.
Minister, I would like to talk about the emissions cap, a promise made in 2021, as we know. Yet it appears that we will essentially have nothing until 2030. Multinationals will be granted emissions rights, the same companies that racked up record profits in 2022.
The minister's natural allies have made their position known. According to the David Suzuki Foundation, “the framework allows industry to bypass real emissions reduction.” According to Équiterre, “the framework lacks ambition and rigour. There are too many loopholes.” According to Greenpeace, “This isn't yet the ambitious emissions cap we need to set us on a path to the full … phase-out of fossil fuels.”
I would like to ask you something. Your colleague, the Minister of Employment and Workforce Development, pointed out that his meetings with lobbyists from the Pathways Alliance were valuable for drafting the details of the cap.
Did you meet with those lobbyists? Were they as important to you as they were to the Minister of Employment and Workforce Development?