Sure. One of the things that we can do as a modern mine is have water and water quality at the forefront of our design. For example, one of the things that we've done with our project is.... Our project is located about 20 kilometres away from the Yukon River, and—for those of you who haven't been up to the Yukon—the Yukon River is the lifeblood of the Yukon. It's very important to the first nations and, really, to all Yukoners.
What we've been able to do is design our mine so that all of the drainage from the mine itself will drain away from the Yukon River. That's just a series of small steps that have been put into place to make sure that the drainage goes away. The other thing that we do in the operation of our mine is try to absolutely minimize the use of fresh water. We recycle as much water as possible within the process so that our reliance on any new fresh water is minimized.
The last thing that we do is really try to minimize any discharge from the mine. Right now, during operations, there will be minimal discharge from the mine, so to absolutely ensure.... Of course, any discharge that does come from the mine is treated and meets the discharge requirements.