It reads:
Whereas the Committee passed a motion on Thursday, March 21, 2024, which stated in part:
The committee order the production of “Environment and Climate Change Canada's provincial-territorial computable general equilibrium model - EC-Pro” including (i) the “statistical technique to isolate the carbon pricing contributions”, (ii) a list of all “Ref” parameters including the “Ref22” and “Ref22A” parameters used in EC-Pro, (iii) the EC-Pro model that projected that “carbon pollution pricing will contribute as much as one-third of Canada's emission reductions” including all (i) parameters, (ii) economic modelling, and (iii) assumptions; and that these documents be provided to the committee within one week of the adoption of the motion.
And whereas Environment and Climate Change Canada has failed to provide all information ordered by the committee within the adopted timeline.
Accordingly, the Committee views this failure to comply with this committee order as a violation of its privileges, and that this matter be reported to the House.