Let's use the fire risk on the Duteau plateau as an example. This is going to take maybe $5 million a year for a number of years to do the wildfire mitigation work. It involves cutting down non-market timber, so the forestry companies who do it have to be compensated.
The current size of the B.C. provincial watershed security fund is $100 million, which would provide $5 million a year for the entire province. On one project in the Okanagan, we could use up the entire amount of current provincial funding. The funding for this type of work back in the 1990s, in the days of the B.C. forest renewal program, adjusted for inflation, was about $60 million every year.
We're just not able to do the work. It's very expensive. The impacts are coming from the extreme weather, which is coming collectively from the rest of Canada and globally, and the costs are just astronomical to keep up with this after years of just ignoring the problem.