Thank you for the question.
I'll answer in English to make sure I use the right terminology, the terminology we work with.
As for the discussion that you've just had, we will not be able to speak to specifics on the near surface disposal facility, not just because of the consultation aspect but because the commission's decision speaks for itself. There's a wealth of information in the record of decision on every aspect that you're looking for in terms of what CNL is proposing, how CNSC staff did their technical evaluation and, in the end, the rationale the commission used to make its decision. In general, though, we can definitely go through how CNSC staff do their work.
Coming back to your question with regard to what is currently at the Chalk River site, effectively, you are right: There is low-level radioactive waste everywhere. It is in different areas and it is currently managed safely on site. It is part of CNL's requirement to have a radioactive waste management program that manages waste no matter where it is, whether it be in a disposal facility, in bags or in buildings. The radioactive waste that is currently at the Chalk River site is being managed safely.
Is there an opportunity to do better? I think that's what all of our licensees should be looking for. I'll stop there and see if there are any other questions.