I appreciate that. That's the reason we're here today. We invited you to the committee to discuss exactly that.
You've seen, obviously, the three motions this committee has passed, with varying degrees of simplicity, just looking for the variables, the assumptions and the data included, as well as specific language regarding EC-PRO. If you were a member of this committee, not the minister sitting there, would you feel confident and comfortable with the responses your department has given this committee on the production of records we were asking for?
When I see a document that has a website link, or when I see a document that was written by four people who don't even work for ECCC, which has “Draft” on it, and it says it is not representative of ECCC or the Government of Canada.... Thirdly, when I see a three-pager with an attachment of a so-called independent think tank, which, it turns out, is funded by ECCC....
Honestly, do you think that is sufficient in terms of what we are looking for?
All of these questions could be answered if you just handed over the modelling, as requested by this committee, so that we could better understand how you are coming to these conclusions. Is that not a reasonable request, Minister?