I think this is a global trend. I mentioned that 700 more regulations have been established in the financial system.
Central bank mandates vary. Some central banks have a very explicit sustainability as part of their mandate, and some do not. Canada does not. Some have an implicit mandate. An example of a bank that has a mandate is the Bank of England. It has an explicit mandate, as do a number of others. Within the central banks and supervisors, you have some of them that do have regulatory set-ups that allow them to directly address these issues.
In terms of taxonomy, as I mentioned, the Europeans are most advanced, but there are many taxonomies around the world that are developing. We're currently supporting the Brazilian government and, indeed, many countries. Part of the effort is to make them interoperable. The European one starts, because companies are reporting, and you can can start to see how that transparency allows visibility on an economy in transition.