Sure. Thank you for the question.
I think the trend line in Canada is pretty clear. We're seeing an increase in frequency and severity of extreme weather events as a result of climate change.
We're seeing.... I mentioned in my remarks the comparison to 2016 and the Fort McMurray fires, also noting that it's a community that has had evacuation orders to neighbourhoods just days ago, actually. What we've seen over the past number of years, and in particular, whether it's 2022 or 2023, is $3.4 billion in insured losses alone. That doesn't capture the full loss we're seeing as a result of these events or these activities. There's also infrastructure loss. There are losses to productivity, and there's business loss, not to mention homeowner loss.
A big part of our work has been to work with the federal government on a low-cost national flood insurance program to help ensure Canadians are better protected.