Yes, I would be happy to do that. I have filed a submission with you, but on that question, I will supplement it.
I will note, however, that we mustn't overlook that in Alberta between 2008 and 2014 there was an immense program to develop carbon capture, and the plan was—according to the published plan—to reduce emissions by 139 million tonnes by 2050, using carbon capture. The program was abandoned in 2014 because the Alberta government of the day said that it was a science experiment and uneconomical, and the NDP government agreed. So that was the end of it.
We have in Alberta the only survivors of that immense program, the Quest project and one other. Quest captures 1.5 million tonnes. The government recently boasted that it captured four million tonnes between the time it was completed in 2015 and 2019, four million tonnes. In that time, the cumulative emissions, upstream emissions in the oil sands, were 300 million tonnes, so it captured a little over 1%.
So the statement that we have a lot of carbon capture in Canada, with respect, is unfounded. We have the Boundary Dam and as far as the build-out of this goes, anybody who is seriously informed on this might suggest that by 2030 we're going to be capturing maybe 20 million tonnes in Alberta at most.