Again, I don't have the benefit of the data and charts you're looking at. Had they been shared ahead of time, I might have been able to comment more directly.
However, I would say generally...and I know three companies represented on this call today have invested tens of billions of dollars in new-generation mining that essentially produces a barrel that is then the equivalent of a barrel refined in the U.S. today. We've done that at Fort Hills—and I'll let my other colleagues speak—and it's called paraffinic froth treatment. It is a technology that has been developed in Canada and that allows Canadian barrels to be competitive on the world scale.
I'll add one other quick one. One of my colleagues also mentioned what they're doing with in situ technologies to introduce solvents that dramatically reduce the carbon intensity.
I think therein lies the answer: Canadians, given the opportunity, their technology and their ingenuity, can achieve the climate objectives and can benefit Canada and Canadians at the same time.