Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I was just saying that Iain Stewart made those exact same arguments that Simon Kennedy is now using. I think we don't need to look far as to where that got him in terms of his own career and being reprimanded by the Speaker in the House of Commons.
The rural member for Milton is the parliamentary secretary. He's under a bit of a different obligation, so I understand where he's coming from, but he had the gall last meeting to openly criticize members of the Conservative Party for moving forward with a special meeting to deal with the government's failure to hand over those documents that we had sought originally. During that meeting, the member said our efforts were “silly and totally not necessary”, which, again, I believe was insulting to us but also to Ms. Pauzé and to Ms. Collins. We were talking about $8 billion of taxpayer money that went to large companies. I think it was entirely reasonable for members of this committee—