Thank you.
That brings us to the end of our witness testimony for this study.
I thank the witnesses for wrapping up our deliberations. I would also like to thank the committee members for their co-operation, enthusiasm and many interesting questions. The witnesses are welcome to stay, if they wish, since the meeting is still public. Once again, I thank them for being with us.
I have a couple of housekeeping items to discuss with members.
For Tuesday, we had planned to hold a four-hour meeting, divided into two two-hour periods, first to hear from the minister and then to discuss documents related to the net zero accelerator initiative. I have two things to say about that.
First, the minister will not be able to join us after all because he has to make a presentation to the cabinet. We can still meet with his officials for an hour. I'll open that up for discussion in a moment.
Second, the net zero accelerator initiative documents won't all be ready by June 18, because everything has to be translated and it's very complicated. I spoke to Mr. Mazier about this, and he agreed that we should look at this issue as soon as we come back in the fall. We would put it on the agenda for our first meeting. At that point, all the documents will be available in both official languages. Also, because the documents were supposed to be ready three days before June 18 so committee members could review them in camera, if we do it in the fall, they'll have more time to do that. Mr. Mazier agreed.
So what do we want to do on Tuesday? Do we want the officials without the minister?
I'm open to suggestions.
Mr. Leslie, you have the floor.