I can try to answer that question.
I'll start with the context that you refer to, which is that in our most recent national inventory report, we indicated that Canada's total emissions in 2022 were significantly below the highest level prepandemic, the 2019 level. Our total emissions are coming down and trending down towards our 2030 target.
However, we have one sector that is relatively flat, and that's transportation, hence the need for some more measures in transportation. There's only one sector whose emissions continue to actually increase—the oil and gas production sector. That's the rationale for the government to have made its announcement that it would cap emissions. It's in that context that the government has announced a cap.
Just to reiterate, the intention is to cap and reduce emissions in a predictable, accountable manner without affecting production decisions. In order to do that, of course, we're engaging with the sector and with provinces to identify what is the maximum technically achievable. It's not what they will actually do, but what is achievable over a certain period of time. We'll put in place a cap to ensure that, at a minimum, that level of emission reductions occurs.
We've been engaged in discussions for over a year on this, and as I think the minister has stated publicly to this committee and in other places, the intention is to provide a draft regulation early this fall.