It is important that the witnesses we are going to hear from here have all the time they need to explain themselves, Mr. Drouin. I'm not like you. I do not have a disrespectful attitude toward the people who come to testify before the committees.
Mr. Chair, I will just bring up the last part of the letter from Steeve St-Gelais and André Gilbert, who say that:
the government has a choice. It will either slip into Mr. Guilbeault's ideological fantasies, or it will show its ability to govern in a logical, lucid and enlightened manner by putting an end to this threat of a decree.
In their letter, they also quote the poet Alphonse de Lamartine, who said, “We don't have two hearts, one for animals and one for humans; we have one heart or we don't have any.” What the Boisaco Group people are telling us is that both jobs and woodland caribou can be protected, and they want to come and explain their view on that. It is impossible for them to do that in an hour.
Ripco and Litière Royal also sent letters, and we didn't have a chance to talk about that. We will certainly add them to our list of witnesses. They also want to explain their view to us. Let me quote from the open letter that Benjamin Dufour of Granulco and Éric Fortin of Litière Royal wrote to the Prime Minister of Canada. They say that,
on the contrary, the environment minister's militant approach is always leading us to an impasse. It creates a highly conflicting polarization that must be quickly eased in order to find fair and equitable solutions.
These people have a lot to say. We can't limit them to one hour of testimony on such an important topic when 2,000 jobs and the future of the woodland caribou are at stake. These people have to tell us how they see the future of the workers and the caribou and how we can work to protect both at the same time. So it is important that we have two hours to hear from the Boisaco Group representatives.
Thank you.