The only constructive and responsible message is to get people around the same table.
Take the Essipit community, for example. From what I've been told, they're quite willing to engage in those discussions, but when it happens through the media, it's tough. When the conditions have not been agreed upon by all the parties, it's extremely difficult.
I have read reports of public meetings held at Boisaco's initiative in Haute‑Côte‑Nord municipalities, including Sacré-Coeur and Forestville. Some of those reports are extremely concerning, and I wonder whether the conditions warrant a discussion. From our perspective, we'd certainly like to encourage that, as long as the parties agree on the conditions that need to be put in place.
On the issue of consensus, we've been trying to evolve in line with the broad principles of land and resource development for 12 years now. One of the four major themes that have emerged is conservation, which we consider to be essential and indisputable.
As long as there's room for discussion, I don't see why we'd refuse to engage in such a discussion.