Good afternoon to the committee members and the witnesses joining us today.
The list of meeting participants has changed a great deal because of substitutions. Mr. Simard is replacing Ms. Pauzé. Mr. Boulerice, who is attending the meeting via video conference, is replacing Ms. Collins. Ms. Shanahan, who is also attending via video conference, is replacing Mr. Longfield. Ms. Koutrakis, also via video conference, is replacing Mr. Ali. Mr. Lauzon, who is attending the meeting in person, is replacing Ms. Taylor Roy. Mr. Martel, who is also here in person, is replacing Mr. Kram. Finally, Mr. Gourde is replacing Mr. Mazier. That is the composition of today's meeting.
Before we begin, I simply want to remind everyone around the table to pay attention to the equipment to prevent acoustic incidents. We do not want to cause any injuries to our magnificent interpreters. In other words, if you do not have the floor, turn off your microphone. If you have to put down your earpiece for any reason, please place it on the middle of the sticker for this purpose, which you will find on the table. Also, do not tap the microphone. If we follow these measures, everything should run smoothly.
Without further ado, let me introduce the witnesses we are receiving for the first hour of the meeting. We have Mr. Steeve St‑Gelais, president of Boisaco. He is joined by Mr. André Gilbert, general manager of Boisaco. We also have the pleasure of welcoming Ms. Lise Boulianne, the mayor of the Municipalité de Sacré-Coeur.
I always start with the person whose name is at the top of the list. I presume we are starting with Mr. St‑Gelais.
Mr. St‑Gelais, you have five minutes.