I want to quickly go back to what Mrs. Chatel said.
I would simply point out to her that many people have been calling for this transformation in the forestry sector for years. Unfortunately, 75% of all government assistance to the forestry sector is in the form of loans. My region, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, contributes more to the federal government per year than all the financial support provided to the sector. So federal government support for the transition from commodities to more processing is non-existent and always has been. It seems to me that the government has some soul-searching to do.
Finally, I have a question for Mr. Bélanger, who was part of the recovery team. Perhaps Mr. Bélanger knew the late Claude Villeneuve very well, who helped us a great deal when it came to the forestry sector and caribou. Mr. Villeneuve told us that we shouldn't underestimate the impact of climate change on caribou habitat.
I know that some wildlife biologists don't necessarily agree with this argument, but I would like to hear what Mr. Bélanger thinks about it. Does he believe that climate change, particularly in Pipmuacan reservoir area, will have an effect on the northward migration of certain caribou herds?