We need to discuss the cycle we are in. The industry cycle since 2014 is one of consolidation and restructuring. It's not a cycle of development, innovation and extending production capacity, except in the gas sector, where there are specific dynamics in British Columbia's Montney formation. Elsewhere, there is industry consolidation.
If we look at the number of direct and indirect jobs per barrel of oil in Canada since 2014, it has been declining from year to year. Since 2014, the industry has consolidated and reduced its production costs, basically by reducing the number of workers it needs. It's wrong to think that it's an expanding sector. It's a sector that's consolidating. That's what the six largest oil extraction companies in Canada are doing. Not only that, but yesterday, Suncor announced that it would be withdrawing completely from the renewable energy sector to concentrate exclusively on CCUS, hydrogen and its oil sands assets. What we have is an industry that is restructuring.
So when people use the jobs argument, you have to be careful.