Following on from that, you say in your report that you're pessimistic. You also say that urgent, major measures will be necessary to reverse the trend, beyond what's been announced publicly and what's been put in place. You say those measures must be introduced now and be coordinated among the various orders of government.
We know the provinces currently generate a lot of electricity, part of which comes from fossil fuels. They don't seem to be developing any plans that will head us in the direction you wish. Yesterday, however, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated in its report that we have 3 years to cap our emissions and until 2030 to reduce them by 48%. It emphasizes solutions that are generated by cities.
My question concerns this kind of coordination, which seems absent from the new federal emissions reduction plan. Do you think there's a plan to grant efficient subsidies to the other orders of government to encourage them to act? I'm obviously referring to grants to low carbon-emitting sectors.