Indeed, everything you are telling us is impressive. Your experience is very broad.
However, other people and other experts have experience. Earlier, my colleague Mr. Soroka mentioned the study by Mr. Begin and Mr. Hodges. They have submitted their work to Parks Canada's Jasper superintendent, Mr. Fehr. I'm sure there's a lot of expertise at Parks Canada, but the work of these people, who have 40 years of expertise, was convincing. They said, for example, that it would only take a “30‑30‑30” day, as they called it, with 30% humidity, a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and winds blowing at 30 kilometres an hour to start a fire. I think that illustrates the dangers quite well.
The superintendent of Jasper Park says he's looking to improve procedures; it seems to me there's some important and interesting expertise here from these two researchers.
Do you think that contributions and expertise from outside the federal Parks Canada Agency could be better integrated in the future?