Okay. I will ask Mr. Liivam to answer in writing if it is possible.
Mr. Liivam, you said in your opening remarks that Parks Canada ordered hydrants for Jasper Park that were different from all of the rest in B.C. and Alberta, and you had only seven adapters that could be used on a moment's notice. This is shocking evidence that Parks Canada officials certainly didn't say last week. Minister Guilbeault and Minister Sajjan certainly made no mention of that.
What was the impact of that failure to order aligned fittings for hydrants? Please provide that in writing to this committee.
You also mentioned that you were threatened with arrest or removal, multiple times. Could you further identify what those instances were? Do you know which officials with Parks Canada decided to intentionally turn away 20 trucks and over 50 firefighters? They were well-trained firefighters, and not only were they turned away but they were turned away with the apparent threat of force. Please provide a little bit more detail to the committee on that.
Also, as an expert who works regularly in the field on the ground, please provide a little bit of context as to whether or not, in your view, prescribed burns and mechanical removal are effective tools to mitigate the potential heat sources and damage caused by wildfires, particularly the one in Jasper. In your expert opinion, was enough of that done by Parks Canada to prevent that fire from happening?
Lastly, in your view, was Parks Canada in fact negligent in its responsibilities, leading to the disastrous fire in Jasper?
If you could do all that, I would appreciate that.
I'll move back to Mr. Messier.
You mentioned an increase in pests. How is the transmission of pests happening in our forests?