How many hours will you give me to answer that question?
I am going to tell you about the DIVERSE project, which I referred to earlier. This project is national, from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. We will be working closely with all stakeholders—the provinces, the federal government, industry and environmental groups—to see how to improve forest management in order to reduce the risk of losing large swaths of forest and to see what entirely new approaches to planting are possible by introducing new species that are better adapted to the new conditions.
To summarize, the science is very clear: Our best ally against the uncertainty of the future is diversity. Increasing species diversity in our forests will therefore provide significant benefits. We can do it, and we can use logging to try to encourage it.
Another important point is that forest management is under provincial jurisdiction, and so the provinces are responsible for the legislation and regulations. We are going to examine each province's laws and regulations and determine what changes could be made.
The good news is that a majority of the provinces and of forest industry stakeholders are on board with the project, as are environmental groups. So I think we can develop a world-class project to try to adapt our forests to what is coming.