It doesn't worry me. It's always been an understanding in the international climate governance world that climate will be enforced through trade in many ways. If a country wants to take reducing emissions seriously, and it puts policies in place domestically, as we've seen in many countries in Europe, it's very logical that they would try to prevent other countries from selling into their market with higher-polluting goods. That makes a lot of sense. We see it in our work with large institutional investors and asset owners. They have offices in Europe, the U.K., Asia and all of these places, and active investments across the global economy. They're already dealing with having to keep track of the completely disparate climate policies that exist around the world.
The comments from Ms. Taylor are well understood: harmonization as much as possible. The standardization of policy is incredibly helpful to make sure that we're actually able to navigate that difficulty. You have jurisdictions that are moving quite quickly. Europe is moving on financial policy and on climate in a number of different areas quite dramatically faster than Canada is. This is an area we're following—