Good afternoon.
I'm honoured to appear before the committee today. I'm appearing from the territories of the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat, the Anishinabe and the Mississaugas of the Credit in Toronto.
My name is Richard Brooks, and I'm the climate finance director at, which is a binational NGO working on climate protection. Our climate finance program, supported by our one million members, works to transform financial institutions from climate laggards into champions advancing the energy transition.
As you all know, there's no community untouched by the devastating fires, floods and smoke of climate-caused disasters. When one-third of Jasper burns, when Toronto, our financial centre, floods repeatedly and when our country racks up over $5 billion to date in climate-related damages this year alone, it's a risk to our economy.
Just today, the World Health Organization endorsed the call from The Lancet, the world's foremost medical journal, urging financial institutions to divest from fossil fuels “to save lives”. The WHO's director, Dr. Maria Neira, stated:
We are seeing record-breaking heat waves, droughts and food insecurity affecting millions of lives worldwide. Yet, we continue to pour trillions of dollars into fossil fuels, which are driving these crises. It’s time to stop funding harm and start investing in health.
Earlier this month, the University of Toronto's climate observatory released a groundbreaking report. It studied the financed emissions of 18 banks, pension funds and asset managers. These 18 financial institutions have financed emissions that are double Canada's reported emissions and 100 times those of the city of Toronto. Their $1.2-trillion of financing and investments in fossil fuel companies in 2022 account for 1.4 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions. If they were a country, these 18 financial institutions would be the fifth-largest emitter in the world.
In June, the CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada appeared before this very committee. You'll recall he could not remember what his salary was when asked repeatedly. He stated that 80% of RBC's clients have transition plans, but he neglected to say that only 2% of those clients have 1.5°C-aligned transition plans. That's the magic number.
Dave McKay also couldn't recall that the bank had disclosed that RBC's emissions from financing oil and gas companies are equal to the emissions from all cars and light trucks in Canada every year.
CEOs from the other banks mentioned the need for a slow and “orderly” transition, but there's nothing orderly about Canadians fleeing fires. There's nothing orderly about towns being evacuated and thousands being unhoused, yet our banks continue to finance the cause of the problem—fossil fuel emissions—and claim that phasing this down would be disorderly.
A report released just today, Urgewald's “Global Coal Exit List”, revealed that over the last year, RBC, TD and BMO actually increased financing to coal-exposed companies. Canada is a founding member of the Powering Past Coal Alliance. Why are our banks enabling new coal deals?
Indigenous nations and disenfranchised communities in Canada disproportionately bear the brunt of climate impacts. They're also on the front lines of many of the financially risky, polluting oil and gas projects that banks are financing and enabling. These include projects like PRGT, Coastal GasLink, Rio Bravo and the pipelines and gas lines associated with these.
A couple of weeks ago, Exxon issued a new bond. This was long-dated to 2074. This bond is for general corporate purposes to facilitate the company's drilling and digging for another 50 years, long past the date of any net-zero plans and commitments in Canada and beyond. There were four banks that underwrote this bond. The Royal Bank of Canada, which has a 2050 net-zero commitment, was one of them. This is a clear example of a bank's CEO misleading you, the public and investors by professing to help its clients transition. That's a false rationale to enable fossil fuel giants to pollute long past 2050. It is not orderly. It is not just. It is just greedy.
We cannot reach our national climate goals, meet our international commitments and protect our communities if our banks are not on side with us.
Of the banks you heard from in June, TD is now known as the top money launderer for drug cartels. RBC is under investigation by the Competition Bureau for allegedly misleading consumers about its climate claims and greenwashing. CIBC and BMO have been fined for improper record-keeping, and Scotiabank was fined for unlawful commodities trading.
We cannot trust voluntary actions by our banks. To date, they have proven to be neither trustworthy nor accountable.
Here are the actions that my organization proposes you support in your report and recommendations.
Embolden the commissioner of the Competition Bureau to use his enhanced powers to investigate all of the banks. Move forward and support the climate-aligned finance bill. Mandate climate transition plans that are standardized and credible for all banks. The banks have record profits right now. Tax them with a climate impact tax and have those funds dedicated to compensation for the climate damages, which I named earlier. Incentivize further investments by financial institutions in renewables and climate solutions.
I urge you to issue a formal report and to include these recommendations in your findings.
Thank you for your time.