I think you hit the nail on the head there. There's underinvestment in renewables and climate solutions, and that has tremendous health impacts. Our energy transition is not moving fast enough, neither in Canada nor internationally. Part of the reason for that is that there's underfinancing happening at our biggest financial institutions. That includes the big banks, the big public pension funds and the big asset managers.
That needs to change, and it's only going to change—and meet the need we have globally, as well as in Canada, to accelerate the energy transition—through regulation. Simply putting out more disclosures or more data, which is what a disclosure framework is, is not going to change actions. That's where we need the regulation to come into force, incentivize investments in renewables and disincentivize investments in and financing of dirty energy projects so we can move faster on this journey.
Right now, the banks and the pension funds are stepping on the brakes when we're all trying to slam down on the accelerator, and that's what's slowing us down.