Excuse me, Ms. Taylor Roy. I'll repeat the motion with the amendment so we're all clear on what we're actually debating.
It is:
The committee hold a minimum of three meetings to investigate the Liberal government’s emission reduction policies; invite (a) Commissioner DeMarco for a two-hour meeting—
We all know he's coming on Wednesday.
—(b) the Minister of Environment and Climate Change along with departmental officials for a two-hour meeting, (c) Canada's Climate Change Ambassador for one hour—
She's never been to this committee at all.
—and (d) witnesses submitted by recognized parties for the remaining hour; the meetings take place only after the completion of witness testimony on the committee’s study on climate impacts related to the Canadian financial system; and that these meetings be completed by December 13, 2024.
This is where the amendment has happened: “provided that the committee has considered and adopted the draft report on the committee's study of the climate impacts on the Canadian financial system before that date, failing which the meetings on this study shall be completed after the holiday season.”
We then decided that it is within the committee's purview. We can demand all we want, and we can set the analysts on a path and prioritize as we see fit.
That is the discussion we're having on this study.