Thanks, Mr. Chair.
I would really like to thank my colleague and friend, Ms. Pauzé, for giving me the opportunity to speak to the committee about this important issue.
For those who are unaware, Senator Galvez's bill is a great bill. She's an extraordinary senator with a ton of public sector and academic experience in this area. I'm very enthusiastic about the chance to not just highlight her work but also demonstrate that there is potentially a consensus on this committee with respect to aligning the Canadian financial sector with science and our climate commitments.
When we were on break, I was reading some of Senator Galvez's credentials. She has a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from McGill. She was a professor at Université Laval for 25 years. She specializes in water and soil contamination, waste management and residues, sustainable development, environmental impact assessments and climate risk to infrastructure.
Suffice to say, she would have been a fine committee witness at many points in the last couple of weeks, months or year as we were studying water, climate-aligned finance and various other challenges with which we've been confronted.
I'm very much in support of this letter. It's creative and potentially unorthodox, but that's great. We have heard from many witnesses on our climate-aligned finance. We do have the summit coming up, thanks to MP Turnbull. I think this is a great way to demonstrate that the committee has been working on it. I fully support it.