With respect to your first question, the department's estimates indicate that current investments are expected to result in a reduction of about 11.2 megatonnes in greenhouse gases. The target of 6 to 7 megatonnes is what's specifically mentioned in the contractual agreements. You have to understand that companies would be subject to penalties if they didn't meet the targets in their contract. In our conservative estimate, these contracts will have a greater impact on emissions than the 6 to 7 megatonne target specified in them. We estimate that the projects being studied will help achieve a reduction of about 20 megatonnes of greenhouse gases. There is certainly some uncertainty around these figures, because there is always uncertainty around the projects in which we invest.
As for the fact that the projects would be long and complex, you have to understand that the average investment is $200 million. The department believes that an investment like that requires due diligence and time. In addition, the Government of Canada is usually the first to invest in these projects. That means that our investments generate activity and interest in them and that there is still a lot of time left to participate.