Maybe I'm the optimist here, but I do believe we can achieve those goals—if you work in partnership with indigenous peoples. A large amount of that 14% is with indigenous protected and conserved areas. Therefore, we must find ways to propel and support those communities as rights holders to the land. There were questions earlier about when people have to leave their houses and that trees are going to be planted. Take a moment here. What we're talking about is potentially fee simple land, and also Crown land. Most importantly, all land, as we learned in the most recent Supreme Court case, is first nation land or Inuit land or Métis land right across this country.
Again, as the optimist at the table, if we are going to reach these targets, it will only happen if you work in partnership with indigenous peoples. That has been made very clear, in my view, by the ways that the IPCAs have supported that 14%, which we would love to see get bigger.
With respect to the second part of your question, have we reached them? No. Is there still time? In my view and in AFN's view, there is still time, although perhaps more the 30% by 2030 as opposed to the 25% by 2025.
Look, if this bill doesn't pass, then all of the work that's being done to achieve these goals, which are not just Canada's goals, but also—