Foresight, as an organization, is national. We work with over 20 different organizations in different regions and sectors, including associations, to provide a pillar of support around acceleration—so companies they're interested in learning more about, getting them further along in their commercialization pathway—and, on the adoption side, running innovation challenges for industry.
With Innovate Guelph, Climate Adventures, Platform Calgary, and Innovate Edmonton, we're all connected. We're looking at clean tech and climate and how we can make the acceleration of clean-tech development faster.
The clean growth hub has been a great portal. They seem to be thoughtfully convening different groups to try to get them to collaborate, share information and, most importantly, transfer knowledge from all the different ministries on what they're doing and what they're interested in in clean tech, whether it's funding buckets or events or initiatives, and trying to get that translated down to all the regional groups.
That would be our biggest engagement with the clean growth hub.