I'm again blanking on the numbers, but certainly the jobs created per million dollars spent for energy upgrades tend to be much higher than in most other initiatives in the economy.
I think part of it is that this is an area for good jobs, especially good jobs in the trade. A lot of the sectors, such as high-tech sectors or even manufacturing sectors, are not actually providing the jobs that we need in the economy anymore. We really need to start focusing on smaller businesses in the trade. What is the policy that can help some of the contractors involved in energy efficiency actually change their business models to be more productive and be able to pay higher wages?
It's helping some of those contractors to not just install the exact same furnace as the one you had, but to provide a fuller spectrum of services that include insulation, air sealing, comfort, humidity control. I think those are the types of business models that policy can promote to provide higher-wage jobs to Canadians.