You're right. The CANDU technology—a Canadian technology—matured in the seventies and was exported to seven nations around the world. We continue to do refurbishment on those, and we have new build opportunities in places like Romania. What's important to know is that through the work we're doing around refurbishment and the continual work we do with conventional CANDU technology, there is constant improvement in the modernization and digitalization of those assets. The CANDU technology continues to evolve, and it's still world class.
You're correct that there's a lot of emphasis on small modular reactors, and Canada is a world leader. We have technologies being deployed now, as you know, in Ontario. The GE Hitachi model will be connected to the electricity grid by 2028, and we will see that same technology rolled out in Saskatchewan and Ontario, in multiple units, as well as a number of other advanced technologies coming out. Canada needs to maintain that nuclear leadership.