You asked the question about competitiveness, and I mentioned in my introductory remarks confidential business information. It's important to note that we do support the public's right to know. That's absolutely clear. At the same time, many don't know that chemistry is one of the most innovative industries around. One quarter of all patents granted in the U.S. every year are in the business of chemistry. We have to make sure, when we're looking at changes to confidential business information, that we're not creating a condition where Canadians are not getting access to the newest, safest chemistries that will help to solve solutions for clean air; clean water; safe, nutritious and abundant food; and to address climate change. That all depends on innovative chemistries.
We can't create boundaries under CEPA that are inconsistent with the overarching architecture of how the Government of Canada addresses confidential information, and restrict the industry's willingness to introduce those products.
We do see that, as you know, when we look around at the patented medicines area. There's a lot of concern about Canadians not having access to the most recent and best medicines.